Saturday 18 August 2012

Review: Lianne La Havas

First of all, I'm just going to say that I chose this album to review because it is honestly one of my favourite albums of all time.  Despite the lessening importance of vocal ability in popular music (as I discussed in my last blog post), finally there is an artist with astounding vocal ability and songwriting talent being played on primetime radio.

The tracklist to 'Is your love big enough?', the debut album by Lianne La Havas, is full of a range of musical moods, with a soft tone running through that makes the whole album easy to listen to.

  Opening track 'Don't wake me up' is possibly my favourite song on the album. The acapella beginning is the perfect start to the album, and clearly displays her vocal range. Another great song from the album, in my opinion, is 'Age' - more of an upbeat sounding track, although the lyrics do contradict that slightly.

One negative to the album is the repetitive nature of some of the songs - title track 'Is your love big enough?', while vocally impressive, is quite repetitive which can make it hard to listen to over and over again.

Some of the most beautifully written songs include 'Lost and found', 'Au Cinéma', 'Gone' and 'Elusive'. Each song has a calming quality and, each time I listen, I discover a different part to the song that I hadn't heard before.

Overall, although the songs may not be the get-up-and-dance-around-your-bedroom type, the lyrics are beautiful and La Havas is vocal perfection.


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